
A child’s paradise abandoned to the rabbits

For a week, no car travelled the track; no child’s cry of despair or delight was heard. Everything lay in silence broken only by the sound of the birds singing and rabbits scuffling on the white carpet.

In over 25 years in Iden Green, there was only one day of closure. This year we have lost a week due to hazardous road conditions and obstacles to accessing the site.

Doubtlessly, children and staff will return with renewed enthusiasm after the extended half-term break.


Out of season apple pressing

Last week, albeit out of season, children were captivated by apple pressing. They engaged with every aspect of the process.

Cleaning the equipment for the sake of hygiene
Cutting the apples
Dicing the fruit
Crushing the juice from the pieces

At last, each child arrived back at the plat proudly bearing a bottle containing the slightly sharp product. Their faces told their joy.