
Discovery of charcoal as a natural artist’s medium

A new term has brought conditions very different from before Easter. The battle with freezing conditions and endless flooding has been exchanged for beautiful sunshine and parched, hard and cracking ground.

There remains evidence of a term when we kept warm by making fires. The highlight of the first couple of days back was when one little chap found a piece of charred wood and, without any prompt, used it to draw on a fresh piece of timber an image of himself. He had never done it before. What a discovery!


Every week of the school holiday makes a difference

One pupil brought in tadpoles at the end of term. I wonder if there will be a noticeable difference when children return after the Easter break.

Change is all around at Tarly Pit. There are construction projects on the site, leaves on the trees and seeds that are growing. Every week makes a difference. What will it all look like after over two week’s absence?